What are the Different Types of Masonry?

What are the Different Types of Masonry?

There are lots of different forms of masonry that exist. On this page, we will break down some of the most common forms of masonry that we use today.

Ever since the dawn of civilization, humans have sought out innovative ways to build structures that are sturdy and capable of lasting for a long time. The practice of masonry dates back about as far back as mankind. Throughout the years, we have learned quite a bit about the different ways we can create structurally-sound buildings.

5 Most Common Types of Masonry

Some of the most common types of masonry we use today were also used by some of the first masonry pioneers.

Brick Masonry

Bricks are made of clay or shale that is dried and hardened. Often times, bricks are placed together in the form of clay. Next, they are placed into a kiln oven which heats up to incredibly high temperatures to create the bricks we use for masonry.

Once bricks are prepared, we simply need to place them into position along with mortar in order to secure them together for the long haul. Brick masonry is very popular due to the strength of the structure that it provides. It is also one of the more economical means of creating sturdy walls.


Stonemasonry is one of the most classic forms of masonry that exists. For thousands of years, humans have used the stones around them to create walls. After all, stones are naturally strong and durable. When combined with mortar, these walls can stand the test of time and provide a sturdy structure.

Stonemasonry is popular because it provides a more natural look for projects. When done correctly, stone masonry is one of the most durable structural foundations you can implement for your home. One of the most recognizable feats of stone masonry is the Egyptian Pyramids.

Veneer Masonry

Veneer masonry is typically a combination of brick or concrete along with stone masonry. What stands out with veneer masonry is that it looks like stone but has a higher level of insulation. For this reason, many people prefer veneer masonry.

One example of veneer masonry would be a wall with concrete blocks placed on the inside and stone masonry installed along the outer inner walls. This sort of masonry provides an attractive look with plenty of strength and insulation.

Concrete Masonry

Concrete masonry is a very common form of modern masonry. Typically, concrete blocks are molded into large sizes that can be easily placed on top of each other and bound together by mortar. Concrete is remarkably strong and sturdy, making it one of the most popular forms of masonry that exists today. Just about any city in the world features various structures and buildings made with concrete blocks.

Dry Set Masonry

Dry set masonry is one of the most ancient types of masonry practiced by humanity. Dry set masonry does not depend on a strong and tight bond between the blocks. In other words, what separates this type of masonry apart from other common forms is that mortar is not used to hold the blocks together. Instead, dry set masonry places an emphasis on a firm and well-placed foundation, which is naturally sturdy.

Which Type of Masonry is the Best?

At the end of the day, the best type of masonry is dependent on your personal opinion and needs. Each structure that you build should be carefully planned according to the location you live in, the materials that are present, your budget, needs, and so on. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, instead the best type of masonry depends on your project and expectations.

Need professional masonry installed or repaired on your property? If so, give us a call today and schedule a consultation!