What To Know Before Investing In Toronto Chimney Tuckpointing

If you live in Toronto and are considering chimney tuckpointing there are some important things you need to know. Your chimney provides warmth to your home on the coldest nights, and it also adds aesthetic appeal and monetary value. Chimneys are great and they can’t be ignored, in fact all …

5 Common Problems With Toronto Brickwork

The city of Toronto includes a whole lot of bricks, which is why it’s important to know how to identify some of the most common brickwork problems. Some of the oldest buildings in the world are made of brick and still standing today in proof of brick’s long-term durability. Toronto …

4 Of The Most Common Masonry Repairs in Toronto

If you live in an area with diverse seasonal weather you will likely need at least some of the most common masonry repairs in Toronto. In the winter, spring, fall and summer the seasons bring about a change in weather. Everything associated with the cold brings about the need for …

The 5 Most Important Toronto Chimney Repair & Services

If you live in Toronto your chimney is an important component of your home, but there are certain repairs it will require over the years in order to keep you safe and warm. Toronto’s cold winters mean you are going to need your fireplace, but the cold, hash weather also …

TuckPointing in Toronto: Are Your Bricks In Need?

Tuckpointing in Toronto is an essential service you will need at some point to prevent costly damage of your brick structure. Toronto winters are harsh, cold and rather wet, all things that can wreck havoc on a brick structure. The bricks themselves can stand up to the challenge but the …