Are There Grants to Restore Heritage Properties in Toronto?

Are There Grants to Restore Heritage Properties in Toronto?

You may qualify for a grant to restore a historic building in Toronto. Several Grants are offered through the National Trust for Canada based on your location within Canada, the type of project you are conducting, and the specific building and its significance in terms of Canada’s history. According to …

Different Kinds of Mortar and How to Tell Them Apart

Different Kinds of Mortar and How to Tell Them Apart

In general, there are four distinct types of mortar that you should be aware of: N, O, S, and M. While all mortar is trusted to essentially do the same job, it will contain a unique mixture of the basic ingredients: lime, cement, and sand. The best type of mortar …

What is the White Stuff on My Bricks?

What is the White Stuff on My Bricks?

White substance on bricks? Finding white stuff on bricks is a common problem in Toronto known as efflorescence. The word has French origins that mean “to flower out.” So, what causes efflorescence? Bricks are naturally porous, which means they absorb moisture and then release this moisture in the form of …

Should You Seal a Brick Chimney in Toronto?

Should You Seal a Brick Chimney in Toronto?

You should not seal a brick chimney in Toronto – or anywhere for that matter.  Even though it may help keep water out, at the same time, it also traps existing moisture and that can lead to additional issues. There are water repellents that add an extra barrier to water …

5 Things to Consider Before Painting Interior Brick

5 Things to Consider Before Painting Interior Brick

Painting an interior brick wall might seem like a great idea in theory but there are a few things to consider before you take the plunge. For starters, it’s next to impossible to completely remove paint from brick without damaging it. Also, painted brick walls require a good deal of …