Tips to Prevent Concrete from Cracking

Tips to Prevent Concrete from Cracking

Cracks are going to form in concrete no matter what you do, although, there are certain things you can do to reduce the risk of crack formation. Before we get into ways you can protect your concrete, here’s a look at common reasons concrete cracks in the first place. 4 …

5 Surprising Reasons Water Gets into Brickwork

5 Surprising Reasons Water Gets into Brickwork

Driving rains, lack of drainage, and even the way that the soil around a building meets up with brickwork can all impact how water enters brickwork and causes damage. The design of a wall is key, as is the landscaping around the wall. Water is the leading cause of damage …

Front Porch Foundation Repairs – Do You Need Them?

Front Porch Foundation Repairs – Do You Need Them?

At what point are front porch foundation repairs necessary? The ideal repair option will vary based on the type of foundation and the issue at hand. In some cases, a cracked front porch foundation may not be that big of a deal. Such is the case for small hairline cracks, …

Are There Grants to Restore Heritage Properties in Toronto?

Are There Grants to Restore Heritage Properties in Toronto?

You may qualify for a grant to restore a historic building in Toronto. Several Grants are offered through the National Trust for Canada based on your location within Canada, the type of project you are conducting, and the specific building and its significance in terms of Canada’s history. According to …