6 Types of Concrete Cracks

6 Types of Concrete Cracks

Concrete cracks are incredibly common, but did you know there are many different types of concrete cracks? The type of crack signifies how severe it is and what (if any) repairs need to be conducted. Some common types of concrete cracks include plastic shrinkage cracks, expansion cracks, cracks related to …

When to Fix Concrete Driveway Cracks in Toronto

When to Fix Concrete Driveway Cracks in Toronto

There’s one thing that’s always true about concrete – it is prone to cracking, especially in Toronto where freeze/thaw cycles are common. So, how do you know when to let cracks be and when to fix concrete driveway cracks in Toronto? We’re here to help you uncover the answer to …

Why Do Chimney Crowns Crack in Toronto

Why Do Chimney Crowns Crack in Toronto

Some common reasons that chimney crowns crack in Toronto include wear and tear over time, a series of bad storms, and exposure to the elements. The chimney crown that sits atop your chimney plays an important role in protecting your chimney and fireplace against the elements. For one, it keeps …

Can You Power Wash Brick in Toronto?

Can You Power Wash Brick in Toronto?

You should never power wash brick in Toronto for several key reasons. For one, it breaks down the top protective layer of brick, making it more susceptible to damages from the weather. It can also take away entire chunks of brick or masonry, especially if the structure is already weakened …