How Much Should Your Chimney Repair Cost Each Year?

Your chimney provides warmth, style, and even a value boost to your home. But how much can you expect your chimney to cost you each year in repairs? Every year it’s likely your chimney may cost some money; this is because the best way to keep your chimney operating safely …

6 Signs Your Chimney Needs Repair

No chimney lasts forever, at some point in time all chimneys need to be repaired. With the right chimney repairs you can prolong your chimney life and avoid hazardous problems. When was the last time you really looked at your chimney? Regularly inspecting your fireplace and chimney can help prevent …

Concrete: Knowing When To Replace Or Repair

Concrete is a popular and durable ground covering. Over time concrete begins to wear down and form cracks. Depending on a number of factors your concrete may show signs of damage faster or slower than average. Years ago it was common to rip up and replace old concrete at the …

4 Tips To Maintain Long-Lasting Brick Masonry

Bricks are known for their durability, some of the oldest structures in existence are made from brick. But just because bricks are ultra durable, doesn’t mean you should ignore them. The trick to long lasting brick masonry that stays beautiful for years is to keep up with the appropriate maintenance. …

Chimney Types: The Best For Your Fireplace

Although it often goes ignored, the chimney is a lifesaver. Without a properly working chimney you sure don’t want to start up your fireplace. The inner workings of your chimney protect your home from the potential dangers caused by fire and outdoor elements. If your chimney is not in good condition, a number…