Guidelines For Repairing Historical Masonry In Canada

There is a formal set of principles outlining the dos and don’ts of repairing historical buildings in Canada. These practices help protect archaeological sites and other important landmarks during rehabilitation, restoration and through preservation methods. In order for a building to be considered an official historical place with heritage value, …

How To Know If Your Toronto Building Has Foundation Problems

It’s important to know what you are looking for when scanning a building for foundation problems. There are differences between foundation problems and normal settling, although at times they may present themselves similarly. A wise homeowner once said, “Scanning your property for signs of foundation problems is the best thing …

What To Consider Before Repointing Historic Masonry In Canada

Repointing is one of the most common forms of repairs conducted on historic masonry, but the type of replacement mortar used can make or break an old building—quite literally. Most historic buildings in Canada include some form of brick, stone, terra-cotta or concrete block. In other words, it’s pretty much …

What Causes Most Chimney Fires In Toronto?

Clean chimneys do not catch fire, but dirty unmaintained chimneys catch fire all of the time in Toronto. The condition of your chimney determines the overall safety of you and your family as you sit in front of the fire enjoying its warmth and comfort. When a chimney catches fire …

The 411 On Masonry Joint Failure In Toronto

Masonry joint failure is the presence of damage on the joints holding masonry work together. Knowing the cause of your Toronto masonry joint failure is key to finding the right solution. Mortar joints give a structure its strength. When joints become weakened the entire structure is weakened as well.  The …